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Nursing Beyond Birth and Babies

I've been a perinatal nurse for more than two decades now. Many men and women tend to assume that everything that encircles perinatal nursing is astounding and rewarding. For nearly all the times, they are, but then there are such moments like the agony of pregnancy, the despair of childlessness or even the grief of death.

Having been assigned to triage, one good day, it appeared just more active than usual. I was assessing patient after patient. However, by lunchtime, I'd managed to clean all of the beds and decided to catch a quick lunch. As I was going to depart, a patient walked through the doors followed closely by her family.

As I followed this tiny patient onto the triage mattress, I could not even tell she was pregnant. Having a tensed voice she informed me that her due data was tomorrow but she had not believed her baby move because the evening before. Placing the baby monitor on her miniature pregnant belly, I heard nothing. Immediately, I knew that the baby was no longer alive in her. However, I did not wish to give up. I moved the monitor around the little belly over and over again, just hoping I would get some sign of a baby's heartbeat.

The mother understood. She held her husband's hands and began sobbing softly. In between sobs, she wished to see her mother who was waiting outside the triage room for her. Just as I approached her, she looked up at me stated, "The baby's gone right?" As a nurse, I really could not say anything. Instead, I kept her closely and directed her into the triage room and told them that the doctor will be on his way soon.

My heart pained for the parents who'd lost her first child, a grandma who's lost her first grand-child. The doctor arrived and pulled out the ultrasound device into the patient's mind in order to visualize the still and quiet heart of her baby. This time, the finality of the situation sunk in as everyone could see on the monitor that the baby's heart was no longer beating. Everybody cried once again. And the one thing I was grateful for was in that instant the mother had the help of her nearest and dearest about her and the staying triage beds in the area had been empty. It was never good to hear the cries of a mother who'd lost her infant.

It is not an easy task for a nurse to assist a patient with a full-term intrauterine foetal passing through labour. The majority of us working in this area have been through this at any time period. You cannot offer any reassuring words to relieve her pain or be able to supply any closure because of her. All that is left is your emptiness after experiencing every pain and emotion that includes labouring towards bringing her baby into this world.

We walk a fine line as nurses.

To newborn nurses princeston nj , we're only temporary guides through one of their most painful times in their lives. They would not remember everything we said or everything we did. They'd never know we cried for them, alone in an empty area in which we wouldn't be seen. And while we view this many occasions in our manner of work, I can truthfully say that I remember every single one of them.
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